Boost your LinkedIn personal brand

Learn about personal branding and content marketing tips to help boost your personal brand on LinkedIn.

Want to Boost your Linkedin Personal Brand?

In order to attract relevant opportunities, marketing yourself through personal branding can elevate your expertise and success in personal endeavours and business growth. Personal branding is the process of marketing yourself and your career or business, in order to attract relevant personal and business opportunities.

For people who want to work with your brand or business, marketing your personal brand allows prospects to get to know you and trust you. Your LinkedIn content strategy plays a role in successfully creating your personal brand.

Creating relevant, useful and engaging content builds an influential personal brand, giving you access to monetise your expertise using LinkedIn features.

Let’s look at some content marketing tips to help boost your personal brand on LinkedIn.

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Provide Value

To differentiate yourself from other users on LinkedIn, the key is to produce valuable content. This could include providing yourself with relevant networking opportunities with people willing to spend their time consuming your content, or joining an event you’ve created.

Hosting a LinkedIn webinar can offer insight to your target audience on a personal level. Leveraging LinkedIn Event Pages allows you to promote events, with people free to register to join in. Here is an example of how GRAVITATE utilises free webinars. This webinar detailed how to scale effectively using Google Ads and SEO.

LinkedIn Events

Some examples of valuable content for you to share with your LinkedIn audience:

- Live webinars

- Free consultations

- Free e-books or checklists

- Connections to interesting interactions

Building your professional network on LinkedIn will allow you to share content that you’ve created to your target audience rather than sharing existing content. Using this strategy will create relationships with potential clients, allowing you to expand your professional and personal network.

Leverage Industry Influencers

Industry influencers are influencers for a reason: People follow them.

Building relationships with influencers and mentioning them within your content can help boost your visibility on LinkedIn. One thing to remember when producing these types of posts is to ensure the content is about the influencer you’re mentioning, rather than yourself.

Help Others Expand their Presence on LinkedIn

If you already have a large network, why not help others with a smaller LinkedIn presence network themselves. This is a great strategy for both yourself and the other person. You are able to expand your reach to other networks, whilst also helping another person become more visible within your network. Thus, helping both yourself and others to build a strong community on the LinkedIn platform.

Posting on LinkedIn

In this LinkedIn post Jarn Attwood mentions Visage Building Group, a client of Gravitate Digital, helping him garner attention to his post while also expanding Visage Building Group’s audience and potential network.

This may not only recognise those who are already active on LinkedIn, but also encourages more people who are new to become more active on the LinkedIn platform.

Be Empathetic

When you’re active on LinkedIn, it is important to be aware and sensitive of what is happening within your community. This has been a valuable tip, especially in recent times with the global pandemic beginning in early 2022. With this in mind, ensure you are not posting ‘business as usual’, revise your content plans, ensuring you are remaining useful and relevant. Remember, showing empathy throughout your content can go a long way with your audience.

This post from Suncoast Fresh recognised recent flooding impacts in their region. Even with this content relating to their brand, it showed their empathetic and vulnerable side. A more personal, insightful, empathetic post can gain more traction on LinkedIn compared to a generic post.

Embrace Vulnerability

Acknowledging our successes is easy, but announcing our failures is hard. If you want to build a trustworthy personal brand with LinkedIn that will resonate with people, you must embrace your vulnerability, increasing transparency with your audience who want to know more about you.

Being vulnerable on LinkedIn means giving yourself permission to be yourself to your audience. This can also mean being relatable to your audience, showing them your authentic self without the worry of being judged by others.

Just Be Yourself

Have you shared your story on LinkedIn recently?

For many users on the platform, LinkedIn is not the place where users want to hear and see sales pitches as soon as they login. LinkedIn, for most users,  is a platform to network and engage with others.

The more you share about yourself on LinkedIn, the more people gravitate towards you and your brand. This creates meaningful conversations and opportunities to build relationships with those inside and outside of your network.

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Advertising Jobs on LinkedIn

A personal post such as this one from Brookfarm can invite people to make connections with either you personally or your brand. Just be yourself, show your fun side.

Being who you are and sharing your personality traits, indeed, does have a place on LinkedIn.

Re-share your Top-Performing Posts

Your best posts performed well for a reason. They may resonate with your audience, maybe you posted them at the right time, or perhaps your network needed to see it the most.

Reposting well performing posts will not only ensure you get a lot of views and likes, but it could also help you capture a new audience and new connections. When the timing is right, your top performing posts can be posted again.

Your post could end up even more popular than the first time you posted it.

Review Your Data

See what performed well and what didn’t on your LinkedIn. Another way to ensure you’re capturing the attention of your network is to evaluate what posts and activities you’ve done is to evaluate what gained the most engagement.

This gives you an opportunity to review your data from previous posts and evaluate what works  best with your audience.

Reviewing the data allows you to make posts that you know will engage your audience and get the most reach on LinkedIn. Looking at LinkedIn analytics can help you review your personal performance.

LinkedIn Analytics

LinkedIn Ads

Looking for more ways to build your personal brand on LinkedIn?

Testing LinkedIn ads can not only grow your business’ platform, but also your own LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn ads can be used to help build your personal brand, and creates opportunities for you to expand your network.

LinkedIn Campaign Manager

LinkedIn ads can guarantee your voice makes its way to the right audience.

Create content that resonates with, and engages your target audience, this can attract the right connections and expand your network accordingly. It takes time and practice, but using these tips can take your LinkedIn presence to the next level, adding value to your network and permitting yourself to be authentic.

Want to learn more? Reach out to the GRAVITATE team today for a chat.



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How is GRAVITATE Digital different from other digital marketing agencies?

As one of Australia's leading digital marketing agencies, we tailor high-quality and intelligent digital marketing outcomes for thoughtful brands with a genuine purpose. A beautiful thing about the vast digital space is that we perform digital marketing worldwide with businesses of all shapes and sizes. From local reach, Australia-wide to global. eCommerce, service-based or wholesale. B2C, B2B and any other abbreviated industry type, we can help. We do not cookie-cutter our approach. With every relationship, we always start with a discovery call, to listen to you and your story. We learn about your brand, your customers and the industry. This teaches us how we can best deliver results. Great results are one thing, but if we can’t measure and understand the results, how will we know where to adjust, improve or hone in on in the future? We share it all, the good, the bad and the ugly data as it’s all useful in helping us refine our approach. It’s all the information that teaches us. Therefore, we make sure our reporting is measurable, it’s meaty so that you are holistically informed and we as a combined team make the best decisions together to grow your brand. Your success is our success. We truly care about our clients. We don't have one person looking after 50 accounts and have never dreamed of growing our business in that direction. We've put together a team of innovative players, strategic thinkers, and hybrid performance marketing specialists. We wear out keyboards faster than a keyboard warrior with our time in the accounts we manage; often sneak a sunset or sunrise surf in and invent all the best excuses to plan the next snowboard or hiking trip with friends and family. This balance of prospering and play keep us tapped into the real world, whilst nurturing a genuine curiosity to keep current in the ever-evolving digital space.

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Personal branding is the process of marketing yourself and your career or business, in order to attract relevant personal and business opportunities.